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Anderson, J. M., Beyerle, G., Glaser, S., Liu, L., Männel, B., Nilsson, T., Heinkelmann, R., & Schuh, H. (2018). Simulations of VLBI observations of a geodetic satellite providing co-location in space. Journal of Geodesy, 92(9), 1023–1046.
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Soja, B., Gross, R. S., Abbondanza, C., Chin, T. M., Heflin, M. B., Parker, J. W., Wu, X., Nilsson, T., Glaser, S., Balidakis, K., Heinkelmann, R., & Schuh, H. (2018). On the long-term stability of terrestrial reference frame solutions based on Kalman filtering. Journal of Geodesy, 92(9), 1063–1077.
Glaser, S., König, R., Ampatzidis, D., Nilsson, T., Heinkelmann, R., Flechtner, F., & Schuh, H. (2017). A Global Terrestrial Reference Frame from simulated VLBI and SLR data in view of GGOS. Journal of Geodesy, 91(7), 723–733.
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Glaser, S., Fritsche, M., Sośnica, K., Rodríguez-Solano, C. J., Wang, K., Dach, R., Hugentobler, U., Rothacher, M., & Dietrich, R. (2015). A consistent combination of GNSS and SLR with minimum constraints. Journal of Geodesy, 89(12), 1165–1180.
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Lu, C., Li, X., Nilsson, T., Ning, T., Heinkelmann, R., Ge, M., Glaser, S., & Schuh, H. (2015). Real-time retrieval of precipitable water vapor from GPS and BeiDou observations. Journal of Geodesy, 89(9), 843–856.
Schuh, H., König, R., Ampatzidis, D., Glaser, S., Flechtner, F., Heinkelmann, R., & Nilsson, T. J. (2015). GGOS-SIM: Simulation of the Reference Frame for the Global Geodetic Observing System. In T. Van Dam (Ed.), REFAG 2014 (Vol. 146, pp. 95–100). Springer International Publishing.